Happy birthday to me..
Yeah, that is all i can say. I’m 1 year older now. A sure thing I can’t refuse. It was 00:20 in the morning when I got my first happy-birthday message. And then 1 more, and 1 more, and 1 more..
It was a very happy 20 years i’ve just left behind.
After thinking of all the bad habits i’ve done,
After arguing my self that i’m not the one in yesterday from now on,
After ensuring that today is July 15 by rechecking on 3 calendars,
After being sorry for I-dont-know-what things,
All I can say is “Happy birthday to me“.
Guys, thanks for the wishes y’all sent by the messages, emails, testimonials.. So much appreciated.
waaah selamat ultahhh…uppss kynya belated bday yah 😉 hehe wish u’ll have a great year ahead…!
td b3 ga ikut kopdaran huheuheu soale kan b3a lagi liburan di Taiwan ni…Ucha ikutan y?
met belated bday yaaaa!!!
wish u happiness forever and success in life 🙂
selamat tambah tua deh , makin tua wakin jelek makin keriputan dan ohhhh …. makin …..
hai ucha happy birthday yaa,,,
huhu telat 2hr nih 😛
btw lam kenal juga 😉
Happy B’day…may God alwasy bless You….! Humm ada trakterannya khan..?
happy birthday to you 😀
ah dirimu… lagi2 kok ga bilang2 kalau sempat ke makassar? kan bisa bareng2 blogger makassar sabtu kemaren nonton GiE 🙂
happy belated b’day cha
Wish you all the best 🙂
yuhuiii… ada yang ultah 😀
happy b’day yah hehehe
lam kenal
Hii, selamat ulang tahun ya… moga2 kakinya cepetan pulih…
Chaa…met ultah yaah ^_^
hip hip hip deeh pesta-pesta apa niiy…smoga sehat dan sukses deeh 🙂
cha umurmu skarang 21? tampak masih sangat muda sekalii he he
uchaaaaaaaa….happy belated day, hiks sori telat. Tapi gpp kan. Kemaren ke makassar??? kok gabilang2 🙁 kan bisa ikut gathering. seru lhoooo
ulang tahun tooo…. met ulang tahun ya.
wish u all the best.
pertanyaan di email ttg forum udah terjawab-i ya. kan udah kasih komen di forum. 🙂
happy belated birthday ya.. mwa mwa..
huhu aku juga bentar lagi 21!!
met ultah cha…sorry telat banget. GBU!
heuehue…. happy ultah alias selamat birthday yah! wishing you all the very best!
met ultah say… *kedibh*
Met kenal juga. Sekalian met ulang tahun 🙂
Happy birthday, dan salam kenal… 🙂
asli.. ini bukan LATAH lo!!!
met ultah mai pren!! moga ga tambah sial aja.. hehehe… piss!!
uchaaaaaaaa.. hepi bileted bday yaaa?!
duuuuuw maap nih chaa.. telah be’enggg… :p